
The Crisp County Sheriff’s Office recently launched a new online resource for formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. Rise4Me.com offers a free, easy-to-use directory of local, regional and national resources that meet the needs of returning citizens. Resources are divided into categories that range from basic needs, such as housing, food, clothing and healthcare, to more advanced forms of assistance, such as mental health, substance abuse treatment, education and employment. Each resource is accompanied by a brief description, contact information and a link to the organization’s website.

By collaborating with the Sheriff’s Office, Rise4Me customized listings for Crisp County. Anyone seeking assistance can access this information at no-charge at www.Rise4Me.com. These resources are available today from numerous local organizations. However, pinpointing what an organization provides and where they are located can be a challenge. “The key is providing reentry resources all in one place. We want the resources to be easily accessible, so returning citizens and their families can find the help they need,” said Jennifer Bethea, Rise4Me Administrator.

While the ultimate goal of Rise4Me is to reduce recidivism, Sheriff Billy Hancock views it as an asset for the entire community. “Until now, we’ve never had a complete listing of reentry resources in such a user-friendly format. It is going to be a great resource for ex-offenders and anyone in Crisp County who needs assistance.”

About Rise4Me

The high rate of recidivism in the United States exposes the need to put meaningful resources into the hands of formerly incarcerated individuals to aid in their successful reentry into society. In response to this need, Rise4Me was created in 2018 as a public service dedicated to contributing to the overall effort to reduce recidivism. Rise4Me is a free, online tool that offers a directory of reentry resources made available in an easily accessible format. RISE stands for Resources for Improvement, Support and Empowerment for Returning Citizens. For more information about Rise4Me, please visit www.rise4me.com or contact the Rise4Me Resource coordinator at info@rise4me.com